Wednesday, June 21, 2017

God is Up To Something Now!

In the midst of all of the uncertainty, I sense God is moving in a profound way upon the hearts of those who are sensitive to his voice. Never be alarmed or amazed about the affairs of persons who are dedicated to sin. Even if it looks hopeless, for the believer there is always hope through Jesus Christ. Remain calm even in the midst of turmoil. Have you not heard that the calmest place in a hurricane is in the eye of the storm. God will not always shield us from every storm. But thanks be to God when he puts in the center of the eye of the storm. Often times the route to that place of calmness requires trampling through the storm's bands. Even in that God pushes, pulls and even drags us to the calm place. Note that trouble, uncertainty, despair and other emotions are often entrance ways for God to enter on the scene of our lives. If you are struggling, going through, feeling overwhelmed, out of solutions, congratulations!!!! God is Up to Something in your life right now. Look for God to manifest His presence on your behalf at the right time for the right situation. Be comforted in knowing that He will never leave you or forsake you.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Make a Donation and Receive a Copy of "Life Lessons For My Sons" or "When God Speaks". Shipping is free!

There is excitement in the air! I am just overjoyed at the blessings of the Lord. During the remaining month of August and September, I will be offering a signed copy of Life Lessons for My Sons and/or When God Speaks when you give a donation! Shipping is free! I want my book to be a blessing to as many people as possible. Share this page with your friends and family and I will be grateful. Remember! For each donation, you will receive a signed copy of one of my books.
This book is a great resource to use to mentor young men through their journey to manhood. I share personal stories about my own journey hoping to inspire some young man that he can make it with God as the center of his life.
This devotional was birth out of my own personal time with the Lord. Each devotional will also be accompanied by questions designed to encourage you to reflect on the message of the devotion as well as the Word of God. If you are interested, simply click on the purchase button. Also, please ensure to provide your mailing address information and allow up to two weeks for delivery. You can readily reach me via email at

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Start 2015 With "When God Speaks"

This year is quickly approaching its end. Why not consider using "When God Speaks" as a discipleship resource as you begin 2015. In my prayer time, the Lord impressed upon me that 2015 would be, "A Year of Great Transition". In essence, there will be changes and transitions that will benefit the believer who makes a decisive decision to walk with Jesus Christ. This "Year of Transition" will not be without its challenges, but the challenges will not be able to hinder you for moving into the place or position, the Lord has ordained for your life. Get ready to transition in your walk with Christ, in your relation to others, in your perspective to the challenges of life. There will be a "movement" of concepts, ideas, beliefs, placement, position, anointing and Christian spirituality that you have never experienced before. Again, as we prepare for transition, we need to hear what God is saying in the midst of it all.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Completed Work

I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. —Philippians 1:6 (NRSV)
There have been many situations that you have encountered, and I am not oblivious to any. My focus is more on your ability to trust me to be faithful to my Word and the words that I have already spoken to you.
Why have you faltered in your faith? Could it be that you are still a work in progress? Yes, my child, you are not yet mature. However, I can see some growth. I can feel your prayers and petitions. I love to see your faith in action. Your faith brings joy to me even to the point of singing.
Hear these words, my child! I am not finished with you. There is more pruning, cutting, and molding to be done in your life. Don’t fear the process! The process is necessary if you are going to experience my divine will and destiny for your life.
Don’t fear! Do not become apprehensive. I have given myself a deadline. I promise you. I will complete every work in you before that great day, the return of my Son.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Dream Come True- Release of My Books: "Life Lessons For My Sons" & "When God Speaks" on Monday, March 24, 2014

God bless you all! I am truly excited about all of the great things God is doing in my life. I am especially grateful to the Lord for the upcoming release of two of my books; "Life Lessons For My Sons" and "When God Speaks". This is really a dream come true. The Lord impressed in my spirit several years ago to write both of the aforementioned books.

"When God Speaks" is a great devotional tool for anyone who is interested in growing in their personal discipleship. In fact, with each devotional there is a place for your own personal reflection after reading the devotional. Really take the time to determine what God was trying to convey to you after reading the devotion. In addition, I have also provided some follow-up questions that will help further bring more meaning to the devotion.

This devotional is great for small groups as well. You could literally invite friends over and share with one another concerning what the Lord spoke to you after reading the devotion.

Also, I am so proud of my book, "Life Lessons For My Sons". This book can serve as an aide for any mentor, father, mother, etc... who wants to ensure that the young man in their life learn the many life lessons that every man encounters. I talk about growing up in Montgomery, Alabama  as a young boy all the way through my growth and development as a father and husband.

I am convinced that every young man, adult and even young women will learn a great deal from the lessons of my life.

Take the opportunity to get your copy of each book for your personal library. Continue to check back on this blog for additional articles and information that will enhance your ability to mentor the young men in your life.

If you have facebook, you can connect with me at Life Lessons For My Sons and When God Speaks. Thank you in advance for your support and most of all your prayers.

In Christ,

Kevin Jackson

Sunday, February 2, 2014

God Still Speaks

Thank you for visiting the,"When God Speaks" blog. I am grateful to God that you have decided to read the posts that are provided. My prayer is that you will be richly blessed by the information that I will share. Please feel free to comment and share the posts with family and friends.

Thank you again for your support.

In Christ,

Kevin M. Jackson, M.A.